Things I Wonder About

Last Update: March 11, 2010

Since joining WA I have been confused and bewildered by any number of things. Thankfully though, as I dug in they tended to become clearer and now the path to making money is more evident everyday. But there are still things of momentous importance that I wonder about. Things like:

  • My WA "popularity" rating. What's that about?
  • My member rank. Ditto, and how have I managed to climb more than 3000 spots in two months?
  • This blog. Who reads it?
  • Who even knows it is here?

Any light shed on these important issues would be appreciated.

Finally, if you are into article marketing, especially if you are a newbie, check out this WA tutorial: 




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dave250783 Premium
hey frank, i thin k the popularity is how many buddys you know, not sure on the member rank but my take is that it is how involved in the community (comments, resourses, posts etc.) the blog you friends can see everytime you blog and encourage/help you with issues you have. by the way im in to the article marketing too so i hope we can help each other out from time to time. Dave