Google Kind of Relevant -Getting High PR, relevant backlincks

Last Update: August 21, 2010

If you've used any kind of SEO tool (Market Samurai, perhaps?), you've noticed that some times the top guy has PR of 0, 50 backlinks and the next guy has 3,000 backlinks and PRof 6.  

 Sometimes the 0 PR top guy is optimized to the hilt, sometimes just a tad better than the #2 guy.  

 That tells you Google loves relevancy above everything else.  So when you post comments on blogs, forget about PR and concentrate on relevancy.  Then remember PR (Relevant and high PR is better than just relevant).

How do you know what's relevant in Googlian eyes?

When you do keyword research on the old interface of Google's keyword, Google tells you.

If you type 'home loans', it returns a bunch of words, arranged by relevancy in the top section (usually there are 2 sections).

Then it gives you additional keywords to consider, also arranged by relevancy.

So, the way to go about it, is to take the 1st keyword, Google it and the word blog or blogs.  As in, home equity loans blogs.

Now, I use firefox and have SEO Quake loaded (it's a free plug in that, among other things, tells you the PR of all the pages, without you having to open them.  Saves a bunch of time).  SEO Quake has a function that allows you to sort the returns by PR.  So, you'd have your Google search settings set to show 100 returns per page, slows down the loading time but overall save you time.  

It's a nice feature.  But if you use it, Daddy Google gets pissed off and doesn't play anymore.  Instead, it tells you It's sorry but it has to protect it's golden eggs 'cause you're a computer.  Anyway, it's done that to moi myself even though I'm millions of times better looking and smarter than a computer. Tsk, tsk, tsk.  I say, tsk.

Anyway, to write these here blog, I Googled that very phrase, home loans blogs.  According to SEO Quake, the results have the following PR



I've done this before many times.  Usually, I'm lucky if the thing returns 3-5 sites with PR's of 2-4.  On the other hand, this is not the only time I've found a mother load.

Not all the sites are actual blogs, some o them have the blog on another tab with a lower PR, but some are good.

Then you do the next keyword.  When you get tired or run out of the keywords in the top section, you move to the "other keywords to consider' section.

That's it.  You now owe me your first born. I, on the other hand, go place some comments for my mortgage site. 



Ta ta!



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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Dusan, I haven't used SEO Quake yet, but have been intending to do so. I do use Market Samurai. Are you saying that PR actually does matter, along with relevancy, of course? I still can't figure out how Google determines PR. Is it mechanical, or does a Google editor (person) make the decision? I have a site that was a PR of 4, then it shot down to 1. I keep adding relevant content?????Does Google want my first born? If you want my first born, you're in trouble.
Fallulah Premium
Now I know it shouldn't be but a lot of this is fairly new to me, knew in terms of the tools I mean. So I'm going to come back after my not so cordial invitation to use the vacuum is fulfilled! This post is full of good stuff that I think will be geat for me with my new blog. Thanks Dusan! My first-born is a stuffed monkey and he says he'll only come and live with you if you live in the Congo with lots of trees in the back garden [lol].
reefswimmer Premium
aloha and big mahalo you Dusan. Working to keep my focus/purpose clear here...I would do all this re: finding relevant blogs etc., so I can generate backlinks???
Diane, reefswimmer

oops, just answered my own question. Actually, it is right there in the title of this post from you. Yes, purpose is so I can efficiently find relevant blogs that let me generate backlinks. Right???
reefswimmer Premium
aloha and big mahalo you Dusan. Working to keep my focus/purpose clear here...I would do all this re: finding relevant blogs etc., so I can generate backlinks???
Diane, reefswimmer
maureenhannan Premium
Great post, Dusan. A little different twist on SEO from what I've become accustomed to. I've been using SEOQUake at your suggestion, and it's gotten me so much more attuned to ranking vs. pagerank. I'm amazed by how many #1 rankings for niche-y keywords are PR of 0. It totally boosts my confidence--AND makes me wonder what all the bluster is about PR anyway. Relevancy, relevancy, relevancy. Yep, everything I'm seeing bears that out.

And my firstborn might have a bit of a problem with your price. But you're quite welcome to let her know about the firstborn thing and see how she responds. She has a great arsenal of Shakespearean insults. A few pithy Oscar Wilde quotes at the ready as well. TTFN.