Google Ranking

Last Update: July 18, 2010


AOL's Leaked Search Data

In August of 2006 AOL leaked millions of search records. Some SEOs scoured through this data to look at click data by ranking. A comment on Jim Boykin's blog reveals the percent of clicks for each position for 9,038,794 searches and 4,926,623 clicks. Donna Fontenot shared the relative click volume of lower ranked results relative to the top ranked site.


Overall Percent of Clicks

Relative Click Volume

  1. 42.13%, 2,075,765 clicks
  2. 11.90%, 586,100 clicks
  3. 8.50%, 418,643 clicks
  4. 6.06%, 298,532 clicks
  5. 4.92%, 242,169 clicks
  6. 4.05%, 199,541 clicks
  7. 3.41%, 168,080 clicks
  8. 3.01%, 148,489 clicks
  9. 2.85%, 140,356 clicks
  10. 2.99%, 147,551 clicks
  1. 3.5x less
  2. 4.9x less
  3. 6.9x less
  4. 8.5x less
  5. 10.4x less
  6. 12.3x less
  7. 14.0x less
  8. 14.8x less
  9. 14.1x less

1st page totals: 89.82%, 4,425,226 clicks
2nd page totals: 10.18%, 501,397 clicks

Based on this data, if you are ranking 8, 9, or 10 you may be able to increase your traffic for that keyword 1,400% by ranking #1. Even jumping from #8 to #3 can triple your traffic.

The source of this:


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DABK Premium
Louise, get to work. 7 more websites to jump over and you give yourself a heft raise. Come on, you can do it.

Yes, very dramatic. Now it will suck even more if you make it to #1 and no sales, huh? Darn keywords! Darn people!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Dusan. First page or nothing! What a dramatic difference.
JSon Premium
Wow thanks! Fantastic data!
Louise M. Premium
I know!! And I'm stuck on rank 8 on the first page!!! ;) I'll improve that. Thanks for this post, it's pretty amazing indeed. I personnally rarely scroll down the first page but then I believe these stats depend a bit on the results themselves. Sometimes, you can see right away that the website on the 2nd rank is the most relevant to your search. :)
maureenhannan Premium
Wow! That is powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing this, Dusan. ~ Maureen