Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
This is my dreaded illness.  This is the thing that has put decades in my life in turmoil. Early on, this illness would last for years in me.  It is very debilitating when it is full-bloomed.  It will take a man down like an arrow to the Achilles heel  This disease has caused me a lot of loss of income, jobs, reputation and self-worth. It has been times of parametics coming into my 120-degree home...finding me shivering under blankets, no nutrition for two weeks, nearly dead.
March 27, 2012
March 27, 2012
  2012 - Day 086 - New Yearly Subsc. Paid / No Internet for a Day!     wam Discussions on the Horizon Today I hit a milestone! Being able to pay another year here I think is going to do it for me!  That is, with all the new stuff I've learned in the last year, there is NO reason why I can't be making a consistent income by the time my counter hits 2012 - Day 365 - Consistent Income!! Albeit, Day one of my subscription was darkened by the modem having to be
  2012 - Day 085 - New Yearly Subsc. Paid / No Internet for a Day!     wam Discussions on the Horizon Today I hit a milestone! Being able to pay another year here I think is going to do it for me!  That is, with all the new stuff I've learned in the last year, there is NO reason why I can't be making a consistent income by the time my counter hits 2012 - Day 365 - Consistent Income!! Albeit, Day one of my subscription was darkened by the modem having to be
March 24, 2012
  2012 - Day 084 - More Shaky Ground Ahead?     wam Discussions on the Horizon The last day I worked for "James" things happened in an unexpected way.  I'm not sure what's up, but a meeting was called at 4:00 today. I'm not really sure I like the sound of this. I know working for other people or a company can create stress...and this is one of those times.  ~~~ There were issues. It doesn't look like much work coming up any time soon.  
  2012 - Day 083 - Making the Most Out of Every Minute     wam The Importance of Not Wasting Time! I'm guilty of it.  There are always those things which get in the way of getting the important stuff done. I've had days waking to a virgin day, not given to employment labor! Nothing to show for it. I do have a lot of irons in the fire.  I have a lot of undone things, unfinished projects,  spinning wheels... It is the one reason why I set my blog u
  2012 - Day 081 - Why I Find GoPro HD Hero 2 a Wise Investment!     wam  Camera Is Coming from China I currently have a Nikon COOLPIX 3200 Camera.  Problem is...the camera has seen a lot of wear and tear since 2004 and it needs to retire.  When I get the Hero 2, I think I'm going to give the current camera to my mentor. It takes good shots.  Amongst the earliest, the days when the hurricanes hit Florida one after the other (2004) and these
  2012 - Day 080 - Coming from China Probably Means Long Wait Time.     wam  Camera Is Coming from China This spells out one sure possibility...feeling like getting that amazing toy out of a comics magazine...and watching the mailbox.  Going through customs, and this sort of thing, could be weeks. 132 of these units were sold on eBay Est Ship Time:  13 - 25 business days.  Cheaper is not always better. The feedback is 98.9% and not suspectin
  2012 - Day 079 - Resuming the ToDo/My Task Bank     wam  Resuming My ToDo Project Back to my little setup here! It has been ten days since I've even looked at the ToDo List.  However, keeping in mind, I've knocked out some stuff on it. Some of it has not changed.  There are certainly patterns emerging. Why am I NOT having any success with campaigns?   Number one culprit:  Too Many Things on the Plate!    Five Key Areas in L