Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
February 27, 2012
Nothing had been done today at all.  I needed a time to get away from stuff and take it easy.  Included here my sister's coming and the time we had Saturday.  
The Benefits of Discipline When I got up this morning, one thing that really stood out at me like a great white living space is CLEAN!  But, clean really isn't the word for it because even in the conditions this camper was in, it was relatively clean.  However, it was CLUTTERED! It had been like this for four years!  The big thing was that the clutter was pretty much in two places, but two BIG places...right there as you come in the door and right in the middle of th
A Very Compartment-Tight Day Ahead. I began my day cleaning the church building.  Though I started it earlier than usual, I still didn't get it done until after 1:00pm.  When I got home, I fell asleep and did not awaken until it was 15 minutes to the time Sharon and Don were due to arrive. I still had loose ends in the camper so I used the time to take care of those things.  Fortunately I had completed everything before the telephone rang. We had a great time in Ybor City at the T
Sister Due to Come Today! I will be finishing up completion of the cleaning and de-cluttering of my camper!  It has far more benefit than simply receiving my Sister and her husband here in my small home, it means... A much better environment in which to live and work...making it a far better psychological and emotional experience and makes things far easier! Saves time when things have homes and when put up where they belong, there will be no more hunting around for them!  It's worth a
My GoPro Campaign Disappeared from the SERPs Again!  AAARGH! I realize right now I have not been working with the SEO part of my campaign.  However, I have been adding content, which is what I thought needed to be done at this point. My site was showing up on page 19 of the SERPs a couple days ago.  Now it's not there in 70 pages!  None of the pages are showing at all! I broke the front page article down because it was too long and I was given advice to chop it down and use t
Getting Ready for Economic Failure! To whom to we turn? Through Early to Rise, I have been exposed to an investment group,  Strawberry's Investment Research, which serves to make me more aware of the things the government is doing in the line of the fiat systems and its printing of more money. The fact that some of the things going on, as has been shown in some sources appear incontrovertible. It leads to wars between investment companies badmouthing one another.  So, which one(s) are
Day Off!  Marathon Time! This is going to be my mad dash to get a lot of pressing things done! All of the items on my ToDo List can finally be given the attention they need, most importantly, my GoPro campaign!  It's high time to replace these long-standing issues with new ones, and the way to do that is get them done today! Today is not left to only those things... Sharon is in Florida and she's coming.  This means...clean the camper!  That will effectively remove some of th
Working Change of Plans Day In a way I wish I had not looked at my email last night, but of course, that couldn't happen.  It would define my level of reliability to the company I'm now working for. This is a clean-up day.  It is the remnants of a job that didn't get completed last Friday and I was originally not to come in because of the little bit of work left. I'm assuming the homeowner, Senil, had ordered more work...or the work left amounts to more then can be adequately be handle
Pick u up@ 715 tmrw So much for the marathon I had planned for tonight and tomorrow!  At 11:45 pm, I found the message above on an email! Carrying it all over once again! This is one thing I hate about takes precedence and it ruins plans when initially told I would be having the day off!  That's the way the employment ball bounces!  Well, it could be worse and it is making ends meet for me right now. Goes to show, it is not prudent to put off stuff when you don't
Under the Weather! Another day gone...having gotten my initial income-getting work done but little else.  Not much to write about.  I am having problems with sinus infection which keeps recurring.  It was especially bad yesterday and I took NyQuil to alleviate the awful pain. That messed up today!  Once again, I have to pass on the rest of my ToDo List.  I have Sunday and Monday to mark my time...if I don't have any more problems.  Once again, time for bed...