About Drelisabeth
Joined March 2010
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riojs_k Premium
Welcome to WA :)
drelisabeth Premium
Thanks and welcome to you, too.
Abnerfer Premium
Hola Ely, look no further!
Wanna be my friend?
Welcome and happy Internet Marketing!!!!
drelisabeth Premium
Yes, I'll be your friend. Are you having a happy Internet Marketing time? I am so far...
sar3483 Premium
Hi Elisabeth, welcome to WA. I'm still fairly new here too but I've been learning a lot of great information in a short period of time. If there's anything that I can do for you don't hesitate to get in touch. God luck!
drelisabeth Premium
Thank you and thanks for the God luck! I like Fortune too.
drelisabeth Premium
So, I am kind of shy and introverted, been this way all my life. I guess I'll be surprised if my buddy list grows very quickly. I am looking forward to this process and learning .....Oh yes, I was just reminded: if you want to have a friend, be a friend. So, I'll go look for friends.
Lots of Love,
drelisabeth Premium
Date for Palm Sunday is incorrect! I opened the calendar and low and behold someone has entered a date for Palm Sunday on a Monday, tee hee. And of course I can't edit that, so I just entered the right date: March 28 of this year.