Day 3 Learn then Act!

Last Update: March 18, 2010

What I did today:

read a lot of WA guides; I can now get to page 3 of the Action Plan! Yaa!

I moved my domain name onto WA hosting - guess that means I will probably stay around for awhile.

Had a headache all day - unusual for me - time to detox :)

I started reading the on web site development guide.

I did research on keywords and articles preparing for writing an article. I already have a niche due to a long time serving in a profession I love, so I will continue to write and pass on information in that niche - the Natural Health care industry.

GOAL to remember (learned here) spend 50% time learning; 50% time ACTING. I have a tendency to want to keep gathering more and more information, so this is a good goal for me to remember.



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dougly Premium
Learning is great, I am starting to think that we must act.... learn from our mistakes, and benefit. ie trial and fail , or trial and succeed. I am just trying to figure out where to jump in. I have many ideas (also on page 3, just so much.

I am a very abc 123 kind of person, (type A) I need a substantial format......
drelisabeth Premium
Learning is good, I have been a life long learner. Once learning, though I must remember to move into action...
kadcpp Premium
Sounds like good advice! I am new so plan on spending a little more time learning first as I have found through tutorial and posts that I can avoid mistakes that you probably have already learned.