The Top 10%

Last Update: March 18, 2010

Response to day 3 check list

Mindset Characteristics of the Top 10%:

A. Part of a Master Mind Group: the definition of master mind group is a group of like minded people who are all focused on achieving the same goal.

WA does this for us all who take part here. We all have access to a huge network of people who all want to be successful and to help others be successful. The longer and more helpful a person has been, the higher they rank in the group.

B. Has a definite purpose in their life. It is well known now that the clearer you are about your dreams, goals and how to reach them, the more likely you are to achieve your goals and dreams.

 C. Has a positive mental attitude. To the best of your ability be positive, joyous and speak kind words. Those who complain and criticize are a drain on others and eventually reap karmic return.

D. Faith. Sometimes it seems like all we do is spin our wheels. However,my experience is the question is always answered, but it may take awhile to get it.

E. Self Discipline. Learning to do a job well requires the motivation to want to do the job well and the discipline to do the job well. If we want to be successful in anything, we have to be self disciplined. Self discipline means controlling our thoughts, our mouths and our actions.

F. Learn from your failures. Why did this happen, what do I need to do differently so it works next time, and other questions. As well as dealing with any emotional response to the failure.

G. Think accurately and have focused attention.

The list could keep growing. I have taken this information from Napoleon Hill's PMA Science of Success Course. He was instructed to put this information together by Andrew Carnegie, and I believe his work has become the basis for every type of self improvement work since then (the 1930's).




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drelisabeth Premium
Yes, I agree Jim Rohn is great. I had the opportunity to hear him once, he was an amazing motivational speaker.
rotich Premium
Very interesting mindset characteristics. Indeed, we all live in a world of causes and consequences; choices and results. And each of us will always reap what we sawed. Just like you mention from Napoleon Hill's great work, another legend teacher I would like to share is the teachings of the late Jim Rohn. He clearly put forth the idea that how we respond to adversity, shows how we've taken time to prepare our own philosophy. And more so, having the right attitude and action, adversity and failures can be our best allies. Thus, we must continue to learn, acquire more knowledge and skills, positive mental attitude and eventually good habits, then we can be valuable and marketable to the marketplace.
rotich Premium
Very interesting mindset characteristics. Indeed, it we all live in a world of causes and consequences; choices and results. And each of us will always reap what we sawed. Just like you mention from Napoleon Hill's great work, another legend teacher I would like to share is the teachings of the late Jim Rohn. He clearly put forth the idea that how we respond to adversity determines how we've taken time to prepare our own philosophy. And more so, having the right attitude and action adversity and failures can be our best allies. Thus, we must continue to learn, acquire more knowledge and skills, positive mental attitude and eventually good habits then we can be valuable and marketable to the marketplace.