A family affair, my oldest daughter actually came to me to learn IM

Last Update: December 10, 2009

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  I picked up my daughter from college for the Christmas break.  We chatted over what I am working on and she asked if she could help.  I was pleased as punch at her interest, having desired to teach the kids the process for some time now, and look forward to helping her learn this business so she never has to worry about money.  As a ClarinetPerformance major I have thought that there will be some lean times for her down the road, music is a harsh mistress and a brutal task master.  Her desire to develop this new skillset offers two great outcomes:

1.  I will learn faster and better by teaching her.  It will also keep me on task through the holiday season.

2.  As we work together to get our IM businesses right and growing, she is learning a life skill that will make her chosen career easier.  She will have a business that augments her income while leaving her free to persue her passion.

The next target is my youngest son and daughter, then my oldest son (he has Down Syndrome and will most probably work with one or the other of us).  He is going to college next year and I hope that he is up and running his own IM business so he can focus his attentions on his music (he is planning to be a Trumpet Performance major).  My youngest is planning on attending the AF Academy or an aviation program at UW or UND (her passion is flying).  As to my oldest, he is actually working on a product (an adaptive cook book) with my wife.

As I say, IM makes the perfect family affair.


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