The Saga Continues

Last Update: February 15, 2010


12 days ago I went out with a shout for some assistance.  I know everybdy is pretty busy, but I thought that I would get at least a couple of takers, alas this is not the case.  I'll aske again, would you please go check out my Free reprots and provide constructive feedback?  It will be a great boon to me and it will cost you nothing.  I have nto started a serious email campaign yet since I am not sure how I am going  to market these reports (or if I will continue to market them at all) in the future.  Thanks in advance.

Today I hit the 10 article wall with ezinearticles (five more ready to go, but I am locked out at present).  I noted that along with waiting on article approval for my two most recent articles, I need to get bumped up in status with EZA.  THis will cause a bit of a slow down, but I guess it will drive me to go ahead and submit articles to other sites.  I also have started posting my articles to my squidoo lenses and websites.  However I can get content to my sites I will.

As I noted last week, I have had two sales total ($53 total commission) and received two  click throughs with Squidoo (total $0.62 in commissions).  Clearly not enough to make the internet payment, but a start all the same.  I am wrking pretty hard and am sure that with a little more time (I am at the 4 month mark next week) things will start working.

Back at you all later,


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Thanks to Monika and Mike for their great reviews and constructive feedback. I will be tweeking my reports and sites and hopefully getting some traffic to my sites and starting a list (or two).

I have now been elevated to the lofty realm of Basic Plus with Ezinearticles, so I will be writing my next 25 articles and hoping to become Platinum soon.