Posts by Eageraffiliate 15
I have been working with the Local Biz Cash Coach, Steve Mead, for the last two months and have really started to make some progress with my internet marketing.  I have built a number of squeaze pages, nailed up some really great domains, and in general started acting and being a serious internet marketer.  Along the way Steve stumbled onto a great new pre-launch program and gave me a call.  Long story short in 7 days Steve had well over a 1000 new paid downline members and in 48
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Well, I have been working with another IM guy and have been making consideral progress in my IM adventure.  We are combining free internet training to market to local businesses and an MLM opportunity to build residual income.  I have been getting pretty good leads for the latter and have already built the Squeeze page and Blog as well as completed market research for the other and am currently working on ranking the page with Google. If you are looking for a truly colaborative progra
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June 09, 2010
So,  After 7 and a half months of working online I have had some small triumphs, some losses, and some pushes.  The first lesson I have learned most clearly is that Internet Marketing is not complex, but it is hard to break through to making money.  Another thing I learned is that the folks here at WA are very supportive, helpful, and down right friendly.  I would not have enjoyed any of my few moral victories but for the help of the folks here at WA.  The final thing
March 05, 2010
Today something special happened, Ezinearticles approved my article in about three hours.  The two I wrote yesterday were approved first thing this morning.  As a matter of fact,my submissions start out with several bars on the yellow (review) level.  This makes me feel really special and it makes me think that I am actually getting it with the whole article writing part of article marketing. I have limited myself to ezinearticles until I master their process, figuring I will be a
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The last two weeks have not gone as I had planned, and yet, I have moved over 1100 spots to the better and I am still clueless about the how. I have been stumbling along, writing a few articles, pinging articles and sites, making adjustments to my two free reports and how I am marketing them on my sites and in general keeping busy.  I still have only the two sales from February and little movement anywhere else.  Frustrating. So, a little over four months with WA and I have a lot more
February 15, 2010
Well, 12 days ago I went out with a shout for some assistance.  I know everybdy is pretty busy, but I thought that I would get at least a couple of takers, alas this is not the case.  I'll aske again, would you please go check out my Free reprots and provide constructive feedback?  It will be a great boon to me and it will cost you nothing.  I have nto started a serious email campaign yet since I am not sure how I am going  to market these reports (or if I will continue
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Hey, I have published two free reports on my fancy schmancy websites.  One of the reports is a getting started report (20 pages) and helps get newbies going, the other is a travel log with a few key travel tips to  make travel easier and more fun. You could help me a lot by going to  my sites, and  and get these reports.  THis will help me see if the process is working and, if you wouldn't mind, you could give me
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I have now been with WA for three months and thought it was a good time to look back and see what I have learned, what I have/am doing right, and of course what I am doing wrong.   Let's look at what I have learned.  First, this is not as easy as many gurus would have you believe (at least not for me).  The tasks themselves are not terribly difficult, it is the volume of information, organization of that information, and the application of that information in a clear and focused s
My last blog was a query into the algorithm which determines member rank and why I appeared to be stuck at 5368.  Several folks said that it was magic and that I should not worry about it anyway.  I have still not moved up any, even after some posts and an additional 45 visitors, almost like I was being punished for questioning the great Oz that is Member Rank.  The good news is that, as I stated in the earlier blog, this measure was one of several non-cash metrics I looked at to
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Hey, I have hit some invisible obstacle in my journey to WA prominence, I have been at "Member 5368" for a week now.  I had been moving pretty consistantly up the ranks for the last two months then all of a sudden, wham, no movement for a week.  I don't really understand the whole process, nor is it as important as launching sites, writing articles, making lenses, etc., but it was an area I felt OK about  in my quest for IM/AM success. So, to get things moving again I as