THis new program is really starting to work for me, give it a look.

Last Update: July 14, 2010


I have been working with another IM guy and have been making consideral progress in my IM adventure.  We are combining free internet training to market to local businesses and an MLM opportunity to build residual income.  I have been getting pretty good leads for the latter and have already built the Squeeze page and Blog as well as completed market research for the other and am currently working on ranking the page with Google.

If you are looking for a truly colaborative program with lots of hands on support, check out

I am still working on two other programs, but I mave not yet had much luck with them.  I'm still figuring things out and I have three more months to my one year aniversary.

To those who have offered assistance and provided me with training, I am still workingto make those systems workfor me as well.  Thanks toall of you here at WA.



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Louise M. Premium
Awesome! I'm glad things are working great for you Bill! :)