Posts by Eimi 9
I can't afford to keep subscribing at this time, so yea, maybe in a couple of weeks I'll subscribe again. Thank you everyone so much for helping me out these past few months! 
June 28, 2011
I followed WA's instructions word for word. And I got my f***ing adwords account suspended!!!  WA says to "create a bogus campaign for now" And thats what I did. I'm so f***ing pissed.
June 10, 2011
How exactly do I know if I'm ready for PPC? This has been bothering me because I want to make the same money everyone on here does. I've read so much already I and I have a good understanding about Internet Marketing. Article Marketing, Niches, Relevancy, etc. 
June 09, 2011
I've been here a month, everyday I read more & more about internet marketing, how to search for niches, relevancy, PPC, etc. And I pretty much understand it. Am I ready to go into PPC?  I'm really scared to even mess with PPC I admit. But as my bank account starts to dwindle, I want to start making the money everyone else has on here.   What confuses me is setting up my bank account with google adwords. The saying that you can find a Niche from about everything, but you need to
June 08, 2011
got 37 views today lol.
June 06, 2011
Another Article published. My second one, I haven't been doing Articles because I've been mostly reading Internet Marketing lessons after lessons. I should've been writing too. Unlike my first Article, my second was with help from the Squidoo tutorial on here. So hopefully its good enough.  Here it is:
June 01, 2011
Here's a rough draft of "Sailor Moon dvds" ( <-- not the official title by the way): Where can I find Official Sailor Moon DVDs? Where can I buy the original English sailor moon on DVD? Where can I buy Sailor Moon DVD box sets? According to my research, "..As of May 2004, the rest of the metaseries has officially gone off the air in all English-speaking countries due to lapsed and un-renewed licenses..."  "..On February 4, 2010, Toei Animation began negotiations
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May 31, 2011
I've just finished the complete Sailor Moon anime series (all 200 episodes). I bought the series because I used to watch Sailor Moon when I was a kid, and yes, Sailor Moon was my hero lol. I was thinking about making a Niche about Sailor Moon DVD's because I had to do alot of research to find decent (there are no good quality DVD's apparently) copies of the series.But I'm having a hard time finding the right keywords. Not "right" exactly, but the most relevant.
May 27, 2011
I've been going through WA & Internet Marketing at a slow pace. Well, for me anyway. So far the only thing I've actually done (besides reading), is Article. I've made  $1.44 from my Squidoo article lol. It's about the mug I painted. Eh, I'm not good at making Articles. It's something I've been working on. I still haven't picked out any Niche's yet I noticed alot of people on here have certain fields & other stuff they specialize in. I
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