
Last Update: June 09, 2011

I've been here a month, everyday I read more & more about internet marketing, how to search for niches, relevancy, PPC, etc. And I pretty much understand it.

Am I ready to go into PPC? 

I'm really scared to even mess with PPC I admit. But as my bank account starts to dwindle, I want to start making the money everyone else has on here.


What confuses me is setting up my bank account with google adwords.

The saying that you can find a Niche from about everything, but you need to find a product most importantly right? I know you can sign up to affiliates like Click Bank (which I have) and start promoting products. I have read all the stuff WA offers about Click Bank (I've signed up).

In all, I've read pretty much every article on here about PPC. But I'm still not sure if I should go into it yet.
I wish I had a mentor.



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