Stupid WA

Last Update: June 28, 2011

I followed WA's instructions word for word. And I got my f***ing adwords account suspended!!! 

WA says to "create a bogus campaign for now" And thats what I did. I'm so f***ing pissed.

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klrrider Premium
I opened one in my wife's name... then worked successfully on getting mine back.... moot point now since I use neither. SEO instead.
Eimi Premium
But I thought they didn't allow multiple accounts? I sent Google Adwords mails that it was a mistake.
klrrider Premium
Happened to me too! Guess what... I lived through it... Took the next $100 coupon they sent me and lit up a new account. If you can't make a mistake you can't make anything! Go at'em again... wish you the best.
Eimi Premium
I didn't do a shortcut. I thought a campaign was something you needed to have when you signed up. So I just left it there because WA says to sign up & have it ready so when you do have a real campaign you don't have to go through all the sign up. I didn't put ANY ads or any websites into google. I forgot to delete them so give me a break.
Labman_1 Premium
Well, hmmm. You took a shortcut and Google didn't let you get away with it. Guess you need to step up and do the work. When you have your own website ready reapply. I'm sure they will re-institute your account. Google used to let short-cuts slide. No longer.