Posts by Enduser13 3
June 18, 2010
I feel like I am not putting enough effort into researching all the great info here at WA, although I think I will continue my subscription. I'm trying to figure out how to add a buddy. I talked to someone on the forum private messages but not on the WA space area. I'll figure it out, I just have to take the time to do so.  Pax #13- that's the name of the tooth on the upper left side of my mouth that's keeping me from more research. The root (a big ole nerve cluster inside of the tooth) is
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June 10, 2010
ARGH!!! I wrote... poetry! What I wrote was informative, it helped me think out some of my ideas and with the click of a button on my stupid mouse- I lose all of what I had written. Just a mistake...   :(  I am so pissed off right now. I just wrote about how the anger in my life helps fuel me to do things, oddly enough. Now... now I know not to ever write drafts on some retarded online format like this blog. I've had less frustration using MS word!
June 05, 2010
I've recently joined The Wealthy Affiliate University in hopes of monetizing some of my ideas and writing talents.  The information I have read so far is helpful, written in an understandable manner and offers some great tips. I should probably start with just writing articles and trying to sell them or the WA affiliate program, but I feel like I have a really good idea!  I suppose I shouldn't share secrets on my blog but discussing my ideas can't hurt. So, I always loved plants but ne
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