Cheer! Rally! Motivate!

Last Update: June 18, 2010

I feel like I am not putting enough effort into researching all the great info here at WA, although I think I will continue my subscription.

I'm trying to figure out how to add a buddy. I talked to someone on the forum private messages but not on the WA space area. I'll figure it out, I just have to take the time to do so.

 Pax #13- that's the name of the tooth on the upper left side of my mouth that's keeping me from more research. The root (a big ole nerve cluster inside of the tooth) is dying. Its dying right inside of an otherwise perfectly healthy looking tooth... and let me tell you, it hurts!! Dental pain is the worst. Here's one of my super secret tips to a fun life n' such: If you have a toothache, try taking a piece of a clove of garlic and just crunching it up in your mouth and swish it around. Keep it up for as long as you can last (about 30 secs for you tough guys). The pain will really fade. Somehow the garlic kills all the bacteria in your mouth, in a way brushing your teeth doesn't.

By the way, for you tough guys who want to show how manly you are by keeping the garlic in your mouth for as long as you can (like an idiot, like me), you'll get this really interesting sort of chemical burn on the inside of your mouth and gums!   :D


ok... back to work

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hmmm, Thanks for the garlic tip. Hope I never have to use it, although I love garlic and it is nature's antiseptic. You have to get to an endodontist fast. That pain is no joke. Feel better.