I hate this mouse.

Last Update: June 10, 2010

ARGH!!! I wrote... poetry! What I wrote was informative, it helped me think out some of my ideas and with the click of a button on my stupid mouse- I lose all of what I had written. Just a mistake...   :(

 I am so pissed off right now. I just wrote about how the anger in my life helps fuel me to do things, oddly enough. Now... now I know not to ever write drafts on some retarded online format like this blog. I've had less frustration using MS word!

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enduser13 Premium
Thanks for the tips Roqdil, I started just using MS notepad that I've known and loved for years. The blog program works fine, its just not for me personally.

Anger is just... anger, everyone has their own reasons for what they do, it was just what was on my mind the most.
Anger management comes up as a niche in my head now and I'm thinking about all the subcategories of niches you could have and so forth- my head is reeling from reading :D
Roqdil Premium
You could autosave as you write next time. Online writing is more fun, especially if you have auto-corrector activated.
We all get angry sometimes. Why do you say "anger in my life...."?
You have a point though. Kyle and Carson should build autosave and spellcheck into this blog interface.