Drinking Beers With Frank Kern

Last Update: June 06, 2010

Last weekend I attended Frank Kern's List Control event in San Diego, CA.  I live in Long Beach, CA, so it was a short drive.

I've seen quite a few Internet Marketing events over the years, but never had enough motivation to actually get off my ass and go to one.

See, for the past several years I've been keeping my head down and plowing full steam ahead applying anything and everything I have learned about making money online.

Some of it has worked, some of it hasn't.  But all of it has moved me closer to my goals.

Over the past year, I've really started focusing on building relationships with other Internet Marketers.  I have a few products in the works and love bouncing ideas off others who have already been down the path I'm heading.  There is no need to recreate the wheel.  Others have created great products and successful launches...I just need to follow in their footsteps.

Back to my weekend in San Diego...

I met, hung out with, and bounced ideas off some of the most successful Internet Marketers out there.

Now just because someone makes a lot of money online, it doesn't necessarily mean that I will try to implement their techniques.

If you don't know my story, when I started out online I didn't get off to the smoothest start.  I wasted money on several ebooks and courses that really lacked content and were really just a bunch of hype without any substance to back it up.

I knew early on, when I found the path to success I would share it with others starting out.  I want to be one of the "good guys" online.  One of the people newbies and other IMers could trust to give them an honest opinion about the crazy make money online world.

As I sat in San Diego, I met quite a few people that were full time Internet Marketers.  They didn't choose IM just because of the freedom it provided for them and their families.  They were in IM because it was a platform to help and show others how to achieve their dreams as well.

As I sat at Frank Kern's birthday party Sunday night having a beer with him, and many others that I have followed in the IM niche for so long...I knew I had made the right choice by sticking with this, even after having such a rough start.

I've come a long way since those early days and I'm finally at the point where I'm ready to give back.

That trip to San Diego was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  It helped me see that I'm ready to take the step up to the next level.  By next level, I mean reaching out and helping as many people as possible relieve themselves of their struggles and find what truly makes them happy.

I'm having a hell of a lot of fun making money online and I'm out to spread the word that others can too!

If you'd like to check out some of the photos I took in San Diego I have posted them on my Facebook page along with a Free Report on 10 Things I wish I knew when starting out online.

Stop by and say hello.  I'd love to meet some other great Wealthy Affiliate's.

Click Here To Visit My Facebook Page

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simoncowan Premium
Hi Eric, Downloaded your report and it's very high quality and I would recommend your 10 tips to anyone. Nice to see something which is not full of hype. I've added you as a buddy and have some gold for your hard work! :)
erictransue Premium
@mrpoxon You're welcome! The best advice I can give to you is focus on one project at a time. It could be the WA training, or some of PotPieGirl's material...whatever it is completely focus on that one project. Break the project down into small pieces and start knocking them out! You'll get out of it what you put into it. Just be patient. If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
mrpoxon Premium
Just read your report. Thank you. I enjoyed it and hope to have the chance to learn from you in the future. I think I have finally got my head space where it need to be and time to get taking some action. It is reports like yours that really help me give myself a shoulder check. Thanks Again
erictransue Premium
No problem Joan, I'm glad you liked it. Please let me know what you think of the report after you read it. I'd love to hear your feedback.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for sharing that story Eric. Sounds like a wonderful inspiring time. I watched the Tony Robbins interview with Frank Kern and enjoyed it. Of course, that's not the same as actually sitting with the man. I'll check out your Facebook page and free report.