Free Internet Marketing Books

Last Update: August 09, 2011

“Stories are the most powerful delivery tool for information, more powerful and enduring than any other art form.”

This is the line that I found at the end of my highlighter the other night as I sat in my not so comfortable home office chair reading the book Resonate by Nancy Duarte.

This book was a recommendation from a marketing friend of mine.

As I looked over to the cherry wood bookshelf to the left of my desk, I couldn’t help but notice all the great marketing books I have read over the last few years.

That’s when it hit me.  I want to share them with you.

So here’s what I did.

I created a blog post on my site that you can find here

I’ve set it up in a contest fashion.  At the end of the month, I’m going to send the winner - who will be chosen randomly - a few of my favorite marketing books.

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment sharing some of your favorite books.  Be sure to subscribe so I can notify you if you win.  And then tweet the post out for me so we can really get a good discussion going.  Pretty simple huh?

I can’t wait to read some of your suggestions so I can add them to my reading list.

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