Two Services I Cancelled And Why...

Last Update: September 28, 2011

How often do you take a step back and see how your
online business is performing?

Last night I posted this on my Facebook wall

“It’s good to sometimes go through the products you
pay monthly for and decide if you are a) still using them
and b) getting what you are paying for. If the answer
is no to either, then cancel. I just cancelled two services
that are no longer helping me move towards my goals.”

One was a monthly Social Bookmarking Service
and the other was a monthly training service
that I got when I purchased Easy Video Player.

Both services are valuable services…

if you are using them.

I haven’t logged into the EVP training in over a month.

And I’m not using the social bookmarking service
to it’s fullest potential.

I just don’t have time right now.

It’s a great service and I may return to it in the future.

But until I have the time available to get the most out of it,
it has to be pushed to the back burner.

Do you have services that you are paying for but aren’t using?

Or aren’t using to their full potential?

Then it might be time to review them and decide if they are
really worth what you are paying.

Focus on the things that are working.

You can always come back to these cancelled services later.

But for now, using too many services and not getting 100%
out of each one might slow your progress.

You’re probably better off using only a few and using
them to their fullest.


I wanted to be clear that I didn’t cancel Easy Video Player,
P.S. I wanted to be clear that I didn’t cancel Easy Video Player,
just the monthly training that came with it. EVP does not
require the monthly training. The product still works great without it.
And I continue to use it on many of my sites.

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