Posts by Ezinewriter 39
I am sure you have read that online writing is different than printed writing. I know I have, many times.  Today, I've just read an article from a seasoned print writer who tells exactly why this is just not so. To start, he opens his article with a quote from “Gertrude Stein” a poet and writer who once said: “A text is a text is text”.  Then, he goes on to say how during one his first classes as a newspaper writer 40 years ago, his professor said something “shocking” to hi
Lots of us have had or will have one day or another some of our content stolen, and that really suck when it happens.   Recently there was a WA Forum thread about yet another internet marketer who has seen is content taken advantage of.  If you want to read the thread here it is: I have had some of my content stolen before and I know it's not fun and one feels very frustrated as it seems that those mega site
Since last year and especially this past couple of months Google has gone out of its way to rethink the way they were ranking pages on their search engine. They have been on a mission to get rid of what they call “webspam” or “pure webspam” which is junk that comes as results in their search engine for any given keyword. Google is now saying that “English-language spam in Google’s results is less than half what it was five years ago, and spam in most other languages is even lower tha
I wanted to wish a very happy New Year to all of you.  More times than not at this time of the year people just utter this phrase without really meaning it.  They just say, happy New Year but, how much do they really mean it? Well, as I was meditating on this, I wanted to make sure I meant it.  I really wish that all the new members who are putting their trust in WA and sharing their new challenges, actions and first successes will really succeed at what they do. I read an EBook
I have been investigating different ways to write articles for directories for quite sometimes now.  I have written long articles that were not meant to sell at all, but just to inform and educate, I have written articles that were trying to sell my product pretty heard, and I have written review style articles, presentation style articles and what I call persuasive articles. Among all the article styles that I have written online with my own two hands and brain (not using someone else) I c
Many newbies trying to make sure they get that sale with their articles are getting suspended by EZ.  This is not fun at all when it happens to you.  So, how can we avoid being kicked out by EZ and insure that we are able to continue to write articles that makes everyone happy? The first thing you need to remember when you write articles is that you write them for 3 entities.   Not only YOU.  And they are the following: 1)      You.  You wan
  As internet marketers we have to get into the habit of having many faces and adapt to what kind of market we want to reach. If you are just trying to sell products (especially physical products) or if you are trying to sell your own internet marketing products (YOU), your approach when writing articles should be very different. Here are the differences that you need to understand. When I sell a physical product, most times I don’t even need to write two articles about the same product.
No, I am not dying or leave WA, but I wanted to thank many of you here at WA. First of all I wanted to thank all of you who have opted-in to get my tutorial and trusting me enough to want to see what this tutorial was all about and if it could help you in any way.  It is my sincere wish that it will. I want to give thanks Kyle for giving me the honor a week ago to be a guest blogger on WA official blog by asking me if I would write an article, which I did very willingly. (Thank you Kyle fo
I posted a forum post for this, but just in case I wanted to let you know through my blog as well!  I have finally completed my article marketing opt-in tutorial. I apologize for the ones who have been waiting.  This tutorial is based on what I do with each of my articles and brings me a little over 3 grands a week (for 3 of my niches)  :wink: All you have to do is opt-in and you will receive 6 lessons (6 sets of steps) over a couple of weeks (every other day).  If you are n
August 19, 2010
The lens of a camera can focus on one object at the time only.  Because of this when the focus is on the object closest to the camera the background is blurry, if the focus is given to the background the object closest to the camera is blurry (we can observe this in movies all the time). We are a lot like the lens of a camera.  We can’t really focus on two things equally at the same time.  For this reason it is very important that we, like the camera lens, learn how to focus on
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