Brand New Product Coming Up On Clickbank!

Last Update: June 02, 2010

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> Hi you all!

Hope you had a great Memorial Day! 

I have been slaking with my WA blog posts recently, but I have been very busy, and that was a very good kind of busy.


A very smart and successful member of WA asked me to partner with  her to create a hot product that she found out to be NONE EXISTENT on Clickbank.  So, we knew we had something there.


Now, our product is just about ready. The EBook has been written, the sales page design is all done. Our Clickbank account has been approved… and we are now at the stage of working on our sales page.


See, that is why I will never want to leave WA, because even if you don’t have much time to learn anymore, you will find great partnerships that will lead to better and greater things.


Once our product is COMPLETE you (WA members) will have the opportunity to become an affiliate through Clickbank, and guess what? You will be the first ones to know about a hot new niche/ product.


What does this mean?  It means that your chances of being on FIRST page of Google and other search engines are very high!


Just thought I’d let you know about what is coming! Very soon, we will let you know what this niche/product is all about.

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reefswimmer Premium
this is terrific news, and I agree such partnerships are one of the great WA values. I am ready to put it to use !. Thanks for enticing us in advance. It does add to the fun.
Diane, reefswimmer
Louise M. Premium
Awesome! Congratulations Sylviane! Can't wait to learn more about it! :)
wizard Premium
Let me know, too. Congratulations.
klrrider Premium
I would be interested also!
jatdebeaune Premium
I am excited to know all about it. I'm already sure that it is great. Congratulations.