It's Finally Here! Step By Step Article Marketing Tutorial!

Last Update: August 22, 2010

I posted a forum post for this, but just in case I wanted to let you know through my blog as well!

 I have finally completed my article marketing opt-in tutorial. I apologize for the ones who have been waiting.  This tutorial is based on what I do with each of my articles and brings me a little over 3 grands a week (for 3 of my niches)  :wink:

All you have to do is opt-in and you will receive 6 lessons (6 sets of steps) over a couple of weeks (every other day).  If you are not done with the previous steps when you receive the next, don't worry, just go at your pace and save the email of the new step and get there when you get there  :D The important thing is to do the steps, the speed doesn't matter.

I hope you will enjoy it!

If you have any questions or concerns, you know where to find me.

you can go there
or find it in my sig on the forum.

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Ezinewriter Premium
Thank you all so much for the nice words. I did this among many other things and rushed it a bit, not so much for the content; I think I put everything there that I meant to put in this tutorial, but if you see any UGLY typos and things that don't make sense, please let me know, because, after all it's not all meant for WA members but of course outside WA people!
Old Mizer Premium
Looks Awesome Sylviane! I subscribed immediately! I am sure you spent many hours putting this together. I look for some tips and tricks about a particular article directory in it. GOLD to you Girl!! ....I mean, Young Lady. *blushing*
NEA03 Premium
I just signed up too! Can't wait to read this stuff. Thanks.
maureenhannan Premium
I just subscribed. Thank you, Sylviane! I can't wait to find out your particular article marketing "special sauce."
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Sylviane, for this magnanimous labor of love. I subscribed immediately. Looking forward to reading it.