I so have to get out of here ...

Last Update: May 06, 2010

and do some work !!!

Does anybody else find themselves doing too much WA and not enough actual work?!?!

 And I still want to go comment on MoHawX's blog!

Mmmm ... might make that my reward for actually doing something useful. 

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jimmywrex Premium
yep - that's all I'm saying for now.
reefswimmer Premium
yup, I get the good idea of making WA my reward. Of course, WA is the reward that keeps on giving, because when I move from WA to work (today for me that means writing articles in Rapid Writer) I profit from everything I just read in the tutorials.

And WA can be so relaxing . I'm on a PotPieGirl learning kick right now. I learn a lot from her, and it is enjoyable.

and sooooooooo, back to work. thx !

Diane, reefswimmer
jeffrey73 Premium
Yes, yes, and YES. That's a good idea of making it your reward. :) I've already taken that stance, and I've been productive as ever! Just don't lose your "focus".
jorpcorn Premium
I second that thought! Funny because I was just feeling exactly that way - especially because I have been away from Internet access for a couple of weeks (God help me), and now playing catch up. I delayed getting onto WA for the first day, becuz I knew what wud happen -- and sure enough, now I am going crossed-eyed from so many hours on the site. It is fabulous!
jatdebeaune Premium
YES! But reforming today. This site is addictive. Particularly the Forum.