Time Out

Last Update: October 15, 2010

Y'know what ...

I've got four brick walls, one to each side and one back and front ...

So I'm going down out my trap door [lol].

Ezine, keywords, blog, physical products, practice and another little project ... aaaarh!!!! All great opportunities but man, do I feel trapped by too many bricks!

So I'm giving myself permission to have time out for a few days, take the pressure off and play a little at whatever takes my fancy, and taking the word 'should' out of my personal vocabulary for a while ... maybe a full week no less!

 Hope you guys are all great!

 See ya soon :)

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erussell Premium
Time outs are nice. It sounds like you're doing a lot. Perhaps you should narrow in on the one you're most passionate about?
erussell Premium
Time outs are nice. It sounds like you're doing a lot. Perhaps you should narrow in on the one you're most passionate about?
jatdebeaune Premium
Good move Paula. Do whatever suits your fancy. I know that feeling so well. I hope you have lots of fun.
Louise M. Premium
Good for you! Time out is essential. I'm back from my own and I feel great! :)
WRI Premium
Have a great time! I am sure you will come back refreshed, rejuvenated, rearing to go and full of creativity. :)