Cockadoody I've done it :)

Last Update: August 19, 2010

Joy! Joy! Joy!

At last I've managed to successfully negotiate adding a new Wordpress blog to my account at JustHost.

Not only that, it's got its own official (and working!) email address!


I know I know, lots to do yet ... LOTS [lol] ... but I feel like I've just discovered penicillin ...

I'm going out to weed the garden in celebration :)

(Well truthfully I'm quitting for the moment while I'm on a high [lol])


Hope you're all having mighty fine days too!

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prinker Premium
Awesome! I think it's a great idea to go celebrate after a success.
Carrie Premium
I know how you feel, Paula. I finally got a Wordpress blog up at Bluehost. It has one photo (I want to substitute it for one of mine), a little bit of copy and a whole lot more learning for me to do. At least when I type in my URL, it takes me there. That's huge for me.

Keep us posted!
maureenhannan Premium
Fantastic, Paula! So happy and pleased for you.
Louise M. Premium
That's great Paula!! I'm happy for you! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Congrats Paula. My garden is a mess at the moment, but I had a great day at the museum looking at Gauguin, Cezanne, Monet, and Manet. Grab all the highs as they come by. May tomorrow be a celebration day too.