My WA Member Rank Plummeted - and it's Great!

Last Update: September 22, 2010

Hey all,

I stopped by today as a little treat to myself. I've been hard at IM work and not allowed myself to be distracted. I LOVE WA and I always learn and benefit from the time I spend in here. That said, as we all know, sometimes too much IM allocated time flies by when we're in here, and before we know it we have to get back to non-cyber life and we've taken little action towards our tangible goals.

So today I notice my member rank has fallen ... well pummeted would be a better word [lol]!

And this is GREAT because it's a visible sign that all my IM time has been spent in 'doing'. Guess what, I'm seeing results. Ok not hard cash but but I'm close up to a few little goals I set myself which are real and necessary milestones on my trail to success. I'm going to put them in the success forum when I reach them.

So, I'm perceiving my WA member rank in direct proportion to my increase in progress towards my overall tangible goals. 

I hope you're all doing great in your action taking too, and really feeling you're achieving improtant steps. Maybe not all the way yet , but sometimes it's important that we read the signs right, and we're not allocating the wrong sign to the right meaning if you get my drift :).

Ok my little treat's over and I'm getting back to my success trail.

Much love and a ton of success to all :)

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Fallulah Premium
@Joan That sounds a great way to start the day Joan and and although an hour can fly by, it's a pretty good amount of time to ensure the opportunity for quality without over indulgence. Thanks for the encouragement :) @Larry, It's funny you mention the craving ... I wonder about that because I think it's pretty common isn't it. Is it a craving to submerge in like-minded ideas, information and people because everyday life desn't offer that?Good to have clear boundaries around the time though and then we can decide whether we would be better served by increasing or reducing that time. I'm glad I've decreased for the moment but I miss more time in WA :) @Kidd_31 Thanks for your comment and encouragement :) It will be great when those regular pay days do arrive but you're right, I am progressing and a bot of faith and trust goes a long way. Good luck with your own journey too, it can be difficult when life pulls us in other directions :).
Kidd_31 Premium
I want to encourage you to keep going and focus as much as you. I join the site over a year ago. So things forced me to do work and I wish i would have been this serious months ago. But again I want to to be proud of your work and progress and know pay day is coming after a while :)
famousplumber Premium
Good blog, Paula. I allow myself a preset amount of "surfing" time on a daily basis, be it on WA or the net in general. It's probably about a quarter of the time I spend "doing business", and it's probably too much. I don't know...maybe it satisfies some sort of "craving" I have. Like Janet wrote, "you hardly see anyone".
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy to hear about your progress Paula. It's important, the most important thing to focus on your own IM business. WA is a wonderful place to hang out and learn, but not smart if it takes you away from building your business. I used to frequent a 24 hour brasserie in New York when I lived there. I couldn't start the day without having breakfast with all my musician and advertising friends. It was a ritual. I allowed 1 hour to hang out, then I went back to my work. It was good because when you work independently, you hardly see anyone. Because WA is so full of information, it's addicting. I've been coming in at night and wee hours of the morning, but, like you, I may have to cut some of that out to focus better. Keep up the good work Paula. I look forward to hearing about your successes.