Best Traffic Sources Statistics

Last Update: May 05, 2011

I’ve something to share with fellow members in WA about data collected by Google on traffic sources statistics on my blog site which I create for learning.  The data have been collected for about eleven months. Tracking my own page views setting is turn off to avoid inflating the statistical counting. I hope this information will benefit those who read this blog. The best traffic sources are as follows:

1) Best Referring URLs -

I find this is a good site to submit your articles. You’ll receive useful article writing tips through emails. I’ve yet to try in WA.

2) Best Referring Sites

This is probably due to blogs created with keywords targeted for Singaporean readers. Many found it through the Google search engine after using Keyword Research Tool and Rapid Writer in WA and getting blog articles to land within first three pages of Google.

3) Best Search Keywords – XXXXXXX YYYY

XXXXXXX is the chosen keyword and YYYY represents current year.  It has been observed that visitors like to add the current year to their searches to filter out old information.

4) Best Audience by Countries

a) Singapore

b) United States

c) Brazil

d) Malaysia

e) South Korea

As the blogs are targeted for Singapore readers, the bounce rate is high from other countries except for Malaysia which is Singapore closest neighbor.

5) Highest Daily Average Time on Site – 1 min 40s  

Most visitors don’t really take time to read, they scan as in doing speed reading. I tried re-writing a PLR article from WA Rapid Writer and observed that it has poor average reading time/day on site. So, the simple thing to do to capture their attention is to write articles that are unique, interesting and original.

For those interested to browse my blogs created for learning and observations, it is at:

Till date, I still cannot understand why Google give me this message, “The account associated with publisher ID ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx6460 has been disabled” when I applied for AdS

ense account after creating five blogs. As I thought there was insufficient content for my site, I re-applied for the account after creating twenty blogs, but the same message appeared.

I’m still in the learning process. Please feel free to comment and share your own observations so that we can learn from each other and prosper together.





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