Is Halloween Getting Popular in Singapore?

Last Update: October 31, 2010

A recent visit to shopping centers, I noticed more retail spaces were allocated to Halloween products in retail outlets and Hypermart this year.  Does it mean it’s getting popular in Singapore?  It must be so as I’d also seen the management of the stores and leisure spots advertising aggressively.  They’re quick to cash in on the rising trend in Singapore.  Halloween falls on Sunday, 31 Oct 2010 this year. I guess it’s the younger generation that is creating this rising trend in celebrating this yearly event.  I’d seen some them dressed up in Halloween costumes and heading to some night spots to join in the fun.

The design of the costumes is getting better each year.  Make up on their faces is as good as those Hollywood movies scary characters.  I’d heard of one past incident in which one man dressed up in such costume and went to a public toilet to answer nature’s call.  While he was coming out of the dimly lit toilet, another man accidentally knocked into him and got such a fright.  He gave a loud scream…his face turned as white as sheet.  He fled and shouted “There’s a ghost! There’s a ghost!”  Well, could be at that time, Halloween is still relatively new to Singapore.

For those celebrating, I hope that they know what’s the meaning of this celebration and not just following it blindly. Traditionally, it is the celebration of the eve of All Saints Day which falls on first day of November each year.  The old English word for ‘Saint’ is ‘Hallow’. Combining the both words ‘Hallow’ and ‘Eve’ together, the word ‘Halloween’ was coined. I wish those celebrating this day to have a wonderful and joyous time.

Those who seek to prosper may wish to think of ideas to cash in on this Halloween Festival which is getting popular not only in Singapore but also in many countries as shared by well-traveled Singaporean friends.


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jatdebeaune Premium
I thought it was always popular everywhere, especially Catholic countries because it's All Saints Day on November1st.