Earn Money from Online Surveys

Last Update: November 08, 2010

I’ve earned some money from online surveys for quite a while using my spare time. It’s quite interesting to answer those survey questions.  I admire the creator of the surveys for their clients.  The surveys are usually well-designed, creative and structured. Their clients want to know the consumer behavior and are willing to compensate us for our time by giving our opinions.  Online surveys won’t make us prosperous but it can provide us another stream of income.

There are lots of survey companies on the internet.  Some of them could be scams which normally request for registration fees before joining as member.  They normally have wild claims of earning big money from participating in surveys.  I don’t go for that.  Some sites may have spywares or viruses. I joined those that are free and reputable research companies as I need to register my email address, home address and contact number.  These companies are often quoted in our local newspapers.

The company that I registered with would send me an email occasionally to notify me to participate in their survey. Their email would inform me of the estimated time and points to be awarded.  These points are like credit card loyalty points which are exchangeable for cash vouchers.  The survey would usually starts with a screening process to identify whether you meet their criteria.  After that, there would be a series of questions ranging from multiple choices to some open ended ones. I really enjoy participating in online surveys. You can skip taking part when time is not at your hand. Just wait for the next email invitation. Please read their terms and conditions before you sign up to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings later.

I hope you can find yourself a good survey company and earn some money from Online Surveys in your spare time.


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Kimbo4413 Premium
I was bored and signed up for some surveys too. The next thing that I knew I was being flooded with companies that I hadn't even signed up with sending me requests.