How 'Felio' is chosen as my forum name

Last Update: June 10, 2010

I have recently read a touching story in the internet about a handicapped student, name Felio Debono struggling to study in a school.  Fortunately, he has many classmates who shower him love and respect.  They  divide their time to help him.  Felio is like a shared treasure to them.  

The classmates’ actions did not go unnoticed.   To cut the story short, the classmates were later awarded a Gold Medal by the President of their country for their act of kindness.

I am currently a new member of ‘ The Wealthy Affiliate University’.  As a newbie, I picture myself like the handicapped student, Felio.  I need to have kind buddies to help me in this internet marketing maze. 

Those interested to help me in the WA community can add me to their buddies list.


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Shaselle Premium
Hi Felio Welcome to WA. You've come to the right place, friendly community and very helpful. I'm a newbie too (3 mos). What I can share with you is to start your lessons here, read when you can (you will know what I mean once you get to your lessons) and just list down what you can. Always have pen and paper beside you.