Posts by Fisheagle 5
So you are on Day 1, Day 3 or Day 10 of your 10 Day Trial Membership!How has your experience been?Exciting, Challenging, Confusing, Overwhelming?Have you learnt a few things in these few days?I'm a little jealous, I had to pay from Day 1 … But I Do Not regret it a bit!If you have taken the opportunity to make use of the training available to you during this trial period, you will have picked up a few skills at the very least! And you will have made a few friends, met some interesting
June 08, 2012
A bit over a month ago, two months before my 40th birthday, I set myself a few goals, mostly to do with my Street Articles accomplishments and achievements to date. My articles have been getting views but have a very low Click Through Rate, currently at 0.56%, which unless you are getting thousands of views does not translate into very many visitors to your website.Currently I am way behind in my efforts to achieve those goals!I have not given up on them entirely but I may have to moderate a few
May 04, 2012
Turn the Big Four Oh exactly Two Months from Today! Yep, I was "Born on the 4th of July" and this year I turn 40, ouch! :0 They say that life begins at Forty, so here's to New Beginnings! I thought that I would give myself some Goals to Achieve by then so here they are: Achieve Platinum Status at Street Article - means 39 more articles0 Improve my Average CTR from under 1% to around 5% or more Get at least 10 people to see the value of Wealthy Affiliate and Joi
What is Up with the Godaddy Upsell In the last month I have received 10 emails from Godaddy giving me various savings percentages on purchases of a specific value. Mostly these just upsell me on products that I already have, now I don't mind being given the opportunity to save on my purchases, but when it is done ad nauseum it becomes ..... well ... irritating!    
January 11, 2010
I am trying to take in as much info as I can and get some action going at the same time! Tends to get a little complicated  at times, will continue slowly and steadily