The Godaddy Upsell - What's Up with That

Last Update: April 26, 2012

What is Up with the Godaddy Upsell

In the last month I have received 10 emails from Godaddy giving me various savings percentages on purchases of a specific value. Mostly these just upsell me on products that I already have, now I don't mind being given the opportunity to save on my purchases, but when it is done ad nauseum it becomes ..... well ... irritating!



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Deezdz Premium
I've always used GoDaddy and yes..find the upselling irritating.

As for the comments below, I've never heard of any elephant shooting or massacres???????? I'm passionate about animal rights and liberation... Please tell me the elephant was ok!

My next domain is being purchased from NameCheap.
kyle Premium Plus
I believe it is on YouTube if you want to watch it...
Deezdz Premium
No definitely not...any sort of animal abuse or shenanigans gets me very upset...
kyle Premium Plus
I couldn't watch it either, pathetic that any human being would do that.
IveTriedThat Premium
I was kind of stuck in GoDaddy for a while. Their prices were okay, I hated the upsell process, but I also never had a reason to leave. UNTIL that damn GoDaddy/Bob Parsons elephant shooting publicity stunt. After that, I was never going to give them another dime.

I switched to NameCheap and I couldn't be happier. They're easily one of the best registrars around and their support is top not. Combine that with no unethical practices, no cheap upsells, and no elephant massacres and I'm a customer for life.
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah that is what really bothered me as well (the elephant)...and their sleazy marketing.
fisheagle Premium
Didn't know about the elephant thing!! Bought a reseller account from them and cannot cancel at this stage, will have to decide whether to make a go of it or write it off as a lesson learned! Really get irritated at the upsell and their site is designed to confuse you no end!
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, this is up to you...either way you cannot feel bad as the consumer. The upsell process is frustrating, my major qualm is when people get sucked into buying a bunch of email accounts which we all no should be FREE.
fisheagle Premium
I've been using 1&1for; my domain names, they just sell you the domain name, no upsell, if you want hosting they give you that at a reasonable price.
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, 1&1 is good as well...I just find their back-end very slow at times and it isn't the easiest to navigate.
Adi2008 Premium
That's why I avoid GoDaddy and only use NameCheap.
kyle Premium Plus
I agree. Namecheap is much easier to use...and godaddy has an upsell process that confuses newer clients into buying stuff like EMAIL ACCOUNTS!! This is unethical and absurd...and on top of that I don't care much for the ethics of the owner of the company (Bob Parsons).

It reminds me of a lot of the guru mentality out there that you need to upsell 10 things in order to operate a successful business...instead of being up front with your offering.

With namecheap, your domains resolve in less than 10 minutes. I put a website up here on WA hosting the other day and I was shocked to see that it was propogated within 10 minutes.