Two Months from Today!

Last Update: May 04, 2012

Turn the Big Four Oh exactly Two Months from Today!

Yep, I was "Born on the 4th of July" and this year I turn 40, ouch! :0

They say that life begins at Forty, so here's to New Beginnings!

I thought that I would give myself some Goals to Achieve by then so here they are:

  1. Achieve Platinum Status at Street Article - means 39 more articles0
  2. Improve my Average CTR from under 1% to around 5% or more
  3. Get at least 10 people to see the value of Wealthy Affiliate and Join
  4. Launch my E-Reader site and begin to get traffic

I am putting these Goals which I believe are Achievable to motivate myself and because I did not set myself any goals for 2012 earlier in the year.


Keep at it Guys & Gals you will get there!



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kyle Premium Plus
40, just a young guy! :) I am 30 and my ride to 40 I can see happening very quickly as the years seem to be flying by.

Nice set of goals you have there, I think you are going to achieve these and then some! Keep moving forward David!
nightowlpc Premium
Try be born on christmas I'll trade with you any time.I had fun on my fourth I know you will too.and I about 60 now comming this christmas.yep a "old fart I am I am"but you'll get there slowly but surely.
slayton1s Premium
Reminded me of my dad turning 60 just a few months ago. 40's still young. ;) Good luck with your goals. You can find me on SA if you go to