Posts by Gbl123 3
Hello Everyone,  I have been at Wealthy Affiliate now for one month and I have learned a whole lot that I have been trying to put into action. I cannot lie and say this has been easy because it is not, plain and simple. What I can say is that I have decided that I need to stick with something that I know and for me that is music. Check out my picture, I made a big mistake, I tried promoting Strip-That-Fat by writing an article about belly exercises. Anyone can see that exercise is just not
1 comment
February 23, 2010
Hi Everyone, This is Philip (a.k.a. gbl123). I wanted to to write to tell everyone that I have written my first article. Yea! I hope it will be but the beginning of many, many more, all working well of course, but that remains to be seen. I have been here a little less than a month but I have learned a lot. In my opinion, Article Marketing seems to be the best way to get your product listed high into the search engines quickly thereby getting you more conversions. I am not kn
This is for all of us newbies.I joined about 6 days ago. Just a little background about myself.  I have been working off and on with websites and learning how to optimize by all of the usual techniques that just about anyone can think of since late 1997 and I didn't get serious until four years ago with trying to learn the right way, so I went to college. I now have a degree in E-Business Management and I have to say that the Site Rubix website builder is very user frien