My First Article Submission

Last Update: February 23, 2010

Hi Everyone, This is Philip (a.k.a. gbl123). I wanted to to write to tell everyone that I have written my first article. Yea! I hope it will be but the beginning of many, many more, all working well of course, but that remains to be seen. I have been here a little less than a month but I have learned a lot. In my opinion, Article Marketing seems to be the best way to get your product listed high into the search engines quickly thereby getting you more conversions. I am not knocking PPC in any way, I just have not truly explored PPC at this time.The keywords and the research that goes into picking the right ones can be tedious at times, but it is necessary in order to rank high for a particular phrase. This is nothing new as it is taught all over the Wealthy Affiliate web site. It puts it into better perspective, however after you have acted on the information. There is empowerment just in the acting, it is great motivation for you to see your work "in action".  At first, everything here at Wealthy Affiliates can be overwhelming when you are new, but as you work through the tutorials, you come to realize that there is truly a "formula" for making affiliate marketing a success and I think I have figured this out...Loosely; You can nail two pieces of wood together and put it on a site and then find the correct keyword to describe it, write an article about it and use your unique keywords to point your customer back to the product page where the real selling is performed for you and hopefully it will convert into a sale. That sounds easy, but takes a lot of work to do it right, I will keep you updated...

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