Having Trouble Finding a Niche? Stick With What You know

Last Update: March 03, 2010

Hello Everyone,  I have been at Wealthy Affiliate now for one month and I have learned a whole lot that I have been trying to put into action. I cannot lie and say this has been easy because it is not, plain and simple. What I can say is that I have decided that I need to stick with something that I know and for me that is music. Check out my picture, I made a big mistake, I tried promoting Strip-That-Fat by writing an article about belly exercises. Anyone can see that exercise is just not my strong suit, so I had to regroup and find something that I do know about and it definitely isn't exercise. You see, I have played guitar for nearly thirty-one years and I decided that that was my strong suit, my niche, my passion. I just completed a little website entitled "Electric Guitar Basics Online" which is located at http://www.electricguitarbasicsonline.com. and although this is brand new and I have not made any money yet, I have a much better outlook because I can write a ton of articles about music just sitting here thinking right off the top of my head. I suppose what I am trying to say is just "Stick With What You Know". I just cannot effectively sell others on something I have zero knowledge about or I do not live. You see, a niche does not have to be hard to find if you "Stick With What You Know". I still have two other sites that I need work on terribly and I will continue working with these sites, but for making some money right off, I am really working with the product I am promoting on my guitar basics online website because again, it is what I know.  I really hope this helps someone out there who is struggling with finding a niche.

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Roy Penrod Premium
Hey, Phillip! That's a good post. I'm glad you found a niche you're excited about. It certainly makes creating content a lot easier.

I think one of the most important skills any internet marketer can develop is the ability to get into their customer's mindset. If you can understand the conversation that's going on inside a customer's head, you can talk directly to them.