About Gmaster
Joined October 2008
Hi there,

Im totally newbie on niche marketing and currently struggle on learning the basic one. But im 100% sure i can make money thru niche marketing as long as i keep myself highly motivated.

Luckily, i has a good friend to borrow her shoulder for my tear. She is one of Malaysian full time Internet Marketer since 2006 and the one who responsible for my involvement with WA. I knew she like to experiment with me and always challenge me to overcome her within a year. Yes..Great friend but at the same time great rival.

She provide me everything about this niche but after a year I'm doing nothing until she been give up. She will "resign" encourage me and right now I will walk alone. Thanks buddy for keep me motivated and never let me down. I'll paid that effort as soon as possible.
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aimie_azwar Premium
tu la psl.. cm biase tgk.aritu aku tnye ko, laki ke girl kan.tp aku tak kisah.as long kite bantu membantu utk kejayaan. betul tak bro..? err.. betul tak kak? ape2 je la. erm dari jauh pic nih nmpk cm ex gf aku lak.ermh.. papehal, welcome to the community of WA. meh reply kat page aku..
aimie_azwar Premium
oy.. taruk gmbr bf ko lak.. kasi aku ngorat die.. hehe.. ape citer..? cmne progression..? ko main bum ke ppc..?
Gmaster Premium
Hi, erm tak kisah bab pengalaman tu yg penting masuk sini zero kan sume dan mulakan apa sahaja yg rasanya patut kita mulakan. Pada aku NM ni mmg totally baru..so strive for it..Jgn lupe study :D
rizuwan Premium
macam biasa2 je tengok pic dia nih..
rizuwan Premium
ko nak add aku kt YM ke... huh... bleh bleh... rizuwan86.. tu id aku....
Gmaster Premium
Ya, nak jadi buddy lah ni..hehehehe..erm beb kalau boleh aku nak add ko kan YM aku boleh?
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Gmaster, and welcome to WA. This is a great community for people like you who are determined to make it.
Gmaster Premium
Hi there, thanks for the wish. I hope to learn a lot from you related with article writing :D
Micky Premium
Gmaster Premium
Hi Micky, glad to meet you here :D
Ryco Premium
Added U to my buddy list. I'm also Malaysian.
Ryco Premium
hey gmaster. how r ya? hows progress so far? hope its great..
Gmaster Premium
Hi raimi...glad to see more Malaysian here :D