Posts by Gordon Edwards 10
May 15, 2010
I've noticed an interesting phenomenon  in myself today. I'll read something and say "Yeah, that's good, I can see how I could use that." Then I'll go on and read the next bit of the article or follow a link and say "OK, that makes sense too" At this point I'll have a reasonably clear idea of something concrete to DO. But then, and here's my mistake, I'll read something else or follow another link. Now I'm starting to lose confidence in the first thing because I'm readin
Alright, one more lens up. It is called Beginning Homeschooling In Saskatchewan  The plan (an ever malleable thing) is to build a "welcome to home-schooling" lens for the four Western Provinces. I want to see if I can drive up my google rank by targeting geographically. Also, because the lenses will be similar, I am hoping to repurpose some of the content, although the province-specific links will obviously be different. I can then link these to more general pages to be built in t
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May 09, 2010
Had a couple of shitty days when technical difficulties were frustrating my efforts. Still having a few tech. hiccups but feeling more sanguine today. Looking forward to putting up some more related squidoo lenses and supporting them with I'm not sure what. Perhaps a blog and some bookmarking. Also, because they are of interest to home schooling types I will post some announcements in a home school forum or two. I've been going through something called 26 steps to 15k a day which is a plan to b
May 06, 2010
Published my first Squidoo lens today. Find it at: It looks a little sparse. The one image I uploaded doesn't seem to be appearing. I'm wondering if there is a copyright problem since I just used some clipart. I really tried to focus on making the content useful. I can see a few places where I will go back and do some editing. Any comments yo have would be more than welcome. I'm a big boy so please be blunt.
May 05, 2010
Working two jobs 14 hours a day, taking kids to triathlons out of town and life in general has gotten in the way these last few days. I am still working my way through the action plan. I am now waiting for the time to count down so I can move on to the next lesson (lesson 4?).  I think I'm getting an idea of the big picture here.As affiliates. we create web pages, blogs, squidoo pages, articles, and other content. Using key words and SEO we optimize our content to be found by our potential
April 29, 2010
Working two jobs fourteen hours a day so little time last two days. Finished next lesson in Step be step plan so have to wait 4 days for next piece of the puzzle. Meanwhile have found two or three potential niche to research further. 1. parents of children with aspergers 2. home schooling parents 3. parents of problem teenagers. I a focusing on parenting because in one of the tutorial;s it was emphasized that you want to be approaching a niche group with an emotional investment in their question
April 27, 2010
Ah, that's better. Much more productive today. Worked my way through PotPieGirl's Dam Way to start. Now I'm set up with: 1. a clickbank account 2. an ezines account 3. a .ca domain to forward from(and a GoDaddy account). I have a product: an e-book about building and installing solar panels. I have keywords (the keyword tool is back in action, hoorah). I have set up an interview (well, I've left a message) with a local solar panel company for research purposes (I won't wait for that before I sta
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April 26, 2010
Today was a frustrating day. I wanted to start "doing" something but there always seemed to be something else I had to learn before any doing happened. I worked my way through the  tutorial on using the keyword tool but then when I went to use the tool it didn't behave the way I expected. None of the keywords that popped up with my search would transfer to the keyword list so I could use them. When I tried some other searches, some of the words would be put in the list and some wo
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April 25, 2010
Well I managed to get my head spinning. Finished the first set of to dos and have to wait the required 19 hours. Decided to do some looking around. Let's see, I started with PotPieGirl's Quick Action guide during which I sidetracked into her article on making and optimizing a squidoo page. Then I read the article marketing quick start guide which led me to go looking for affiliate programs online. I was looking for "green" products and low and behold there is a green affiliate programs
April 25, 2010
I just joined and this is my first days experience. As a newbie, I appreciate the step-by-step approach to training that is offered. I'll need to do a lot of exploring to take advantage of the site.  I have a vision of what I want to create (at least to start with). I envision a web site devoted to the idea of walking gently on the earth and with each other. A site that promotes a thoughtful (as in considered), caring and compassionate lifestyle. I would like there to be access to ideas, pr
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