Optimistic Again

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Had a couple of shitty days when technical difficulties were frustrating my efforts. Still having a few tech. hiccups but feeling more sanguine today. Looking forward to putting up some more related squidoo lenses and supporting them with I'm not sure what. Perhaps a blog and some bookmarking. Also, because they are of interest to home schooling types I will post some announcements in a home school forum or two.

I've been going through something called 26 steps to 15k a day which is a plan to build a website. What I like about it is its emphasis on good content as the primary thing pulling traffic to the site. It also talks about seo and other techniques but the focus keeps returning to building a site that is unique and useful. I like that. As much as I want to make money online, I am not comfortable with the idea of content designed only to move traffic. That is not content, that is advertising

I can begin to understand the warnings about frustrations and being overwhelmed and feeling like giving up the ghost. Sometimes it seems like an impossible task to build a site to, as they say in Sic Meier's game Civilization, "stand the test of time".

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Maghdalena Premium
I'm finding all your posts very informative and helpful. Here's some gold for being so helpful. Keep up the posts because it tells the rest of us of your progress and inspires us at the same time in our own efforts. Thanks :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Just gotta keep your mind from racing. Because there's so much, you feel like you have to do everything at once. That's how you get stuck in inertia. The only way I can handle it is to take one protocol at a time, test it, tweak it, then add something else or abandon it, then on to the next.
Louise M. Premium
you'll make it, you just need to keep moving forward, no matter what. It can be difficult but eventually rewarding!!
Jamie Smith Premium
Good vibes and hard work are the keys to your success. So nice to see you feeling inspired after those technical difficulties.