Information Saturation

Last Update: May 15, 2010

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon  in myself today. I'll read something and say "Yeah, that's good, I can see how I could use that." Then I'll go on and read the next bit of the article or follow a link and say "OK, that makes sense too" At this point I'll have a reasonably clear idea of something concrete to DO. But then, and here's my mistake, I'll read something else or follow another link. Now I'm starting to lose confidence in the first thing because I'm reading about how it is important to do this or that when you do it. Or, the best way too achieve what I'm trying to do is to do something completely different. I tend to let the perfect become the enemy of the good enough.

Here's an example. I just read a forum post that talked about backlinks and I realized the article I'm currently working on would probably serve me better as ten separate articles all linking back to my squidoo lens.Then I read a post about how to somehow optimize those links which made sense and gave me something else to think about. Then the third thing I read had to do with, you know what, now I can't even remember what it was about. In any case it was in some new direction that looked good but meant I would have to start more-or-less from scratch. So NOW I'm thinking well maybe I should give this some more thought before I commit a lot of time and effort to it. So now I'm back to thinking instead of doing.

My trick will be to get out of my comfort zone and quit looking for the "guaranteed" method. I'll just have to live with the uncertainty of not knowing everything before I begin. I have to ignore the "am I wasting my time here" voice that loves to find a newer better way or at least LOOK for a new or better way. I have to accept that the answer to "am I wasting my time " is "maybe"

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Louise M. Premium
We all experience this. What you need to do is clarify your strategy by writing it down after doing some research about the different techniques. Then, stop researching and follow your action plan. Give it a try, it's the best thing to do. Then analyse the results. If you're not satisfied with them, change your strategy, do some more research. This IM business is not rocket science at all and some techniques that work well for others might not work for you. Testing is key. Good luck!! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Perfect! That what happens. Do you also bookmark stuff, then forget to go back to read it? Or save things in your inbox to address later? Information overload! Just use what sticks in your brain to use on your campaigns. That's where you really learn what works and what doesn't.