Posts by Hawk51 6
July 31, 2010
Hey Friends Read fast before it self destructs or gets deleted. I regret to have tell you, that I'm leaving W.A today and will not be renewing my subscription anytime in the near future. I joined W.A to learn about affiliate marketing and marketing in general and also to be able to use the free hosting. I learned a lot here from not only W.A but from the great people here in the forum and I thank you all. The downside was the hosting, and the all the downtime, and how it was handled etc that I
July 10, 2010
Hey WA Friends, *YOU ROCK * I'm pumped to say the least, in the last 2 weeks I totally lost focus on everything, and I was at the point where ,I just wanted to throw in the towel. But, now I'm truly inspired, and back on track again. A Big Thanks, to my friends and this great community we share @ WA  who took the time to share their wisdom, and give me some sound advice. Life is about giving of yourself, unselfishly to others giving them, the wisdom to move forward, and make this a better
July 09, 2010
Hey WA'ers I'm sure I not alone, and a few of you have experienced this also. Over the last two weeks I have lost all focus on what I'm supposed to be doing, and the goals I have set for myself. I've been concentrating on getting my site-up, and it's been really frustrating working with the new wordpress 3.0 with all the bugs in it, and then the problems with WA hosting, which are now fixed. Maybe I'm suffering from information overload, and just need to slowdown and concentrate on one task at a
June 26, 2010
Hey WA Friends, I think you'll agree, negativity affects all of us, and we experience it on a daily basis. Whether,it's at the coffee shop listening to a customer complain or at work listening to co-workers or bosses demean your fellow workers.  I had a bad week at my offline job, this week because I ask a simple question, about a procedural change and you know what my bosses response was. " Shut The F**K Up and Do Your Job" This is the kinda of negativity we can all live with-out
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June 20, 2010
Hey,Happy Fathers Day to all the dads here @ Wealthy Affiliate. It's a beautiful sunny day here in Southern Ontario. I wanted to touch base with my fellow members here @ WA too find out,what roadblocks you've encountered,and how you overcome them on your journey to becoming a successful affiliate marketer. I know myself, as a newbie to affiliate marketing, it was taking that first (Actionable Step) of actually getting over the fear,and taking action. Your feeling overwhelmed,and your not sure i
It's Been A Crazy Week Good Morning, I'm enjoying my morning coffee, and planning my day out. This week has been nuts working full-time at a job I hate and with the Stanley Cup final I still managed to accomplish quite a bit actually. It's a rainy day here in southern Ontario, that means it will be good to stay in and get things done. This week I set-up three blogs and a Squidoo lens to start promoting Wealthy Affiliate and One Week Marketing Action Plan. I'm also setting up my main hosted sit
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