Last Day @ W.A.U

Last Update: July 31, 2010

Hey Friends

Read fast before it self destructs or gets deleted.

I regret to have tell you, that I'm leaving W.A today and will not be renewing my subscription anytime in the near future.

I joined W.A to learn about affiliate marketing and marketing in general and also to be able to use the free hosting.

I learned a lot here from not only W.A but from the great people here in the forum and I thank you all.

The downside was the hosting, and the all the downtime, and how it was handled etc that I don't agree with.

I understand there are problems with servers etc, but that's no excuse for not getting a proper response or feed back about the problem.

instead forum post get locked down or deleted with out so much as a word.

That's not customer service by no means, and that's why I'm leaving.

I made some great friends here, you'll be missed and i wish you all the best.




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It's good that they have the hosting here but I've heard too many horror stories about it and am going to move the websites to Hostgator with my other ones. To me, the hosting is just an extra incentive to being at WA. The prime reason, of course, is the training involved here. I can vouch for TJBooks - I've PM'ed Kyle and Carson both and every time had been given a response. They have been helpful 100% of the time. As for the regular support team K&C has in place here, well, that's another story. I've given them detailed complaints a couple times, telling them I've gotten "SQL Server Error" messages and got the lame response, "try refreshing the page," as if I've never thought to do that! From them (usually the same person whose name I won't mention,) I've consistently gotten totally useless responses - but they have answered all my tickets. If you've not canceled yet, do reconsider and remember that learning IM is the main reason why most people come here. Golly, at your price, it's worth it without the web hosting, but I understand you came on here for both. Whatever you will be missed by this membership.
dec944 Premium
I'm sorry to see you go. I sent you a Private Message. Best of luck.
TJ Books Premium
Stick around, Brian! I told Kyle about your problems and I hope he gives you a hand. We need our members and friends through thick or thin. John
TJ Books Premium
Too bad Brien is leaving and it probably because he didn't contact Kyle directly. Kyle and Carson are accessible but you need to know how to do it. I've been dealing with these two men for over two years so I just hit reply to one of their old messages. Then at the bottom of the page that pops up, I click on send Kyle a personal reply. I'm not sure how a new person would do that but I would assume he or she would just go to Kyle or Carson's page and click on "send personal message." Once he replies, it is easy after that. It's too bad that we get so discouraged when there are solutions. As for the hosting, there have been some problems but downtime has not been a major problem for me. Also Kyle is taking immediate action on such problems. Hang in their folks! John
jatdebeaune Premium
Brian, I'm so sorry you are leaving. Have you sent a PM to Kyle? I do think WA needs better customer service. I'm here for the Community and the Forum. I use outside hosting and am very happy with it. If you want to know about it, you can PM me.