*My WA Friends Rock*

Last Update: July 10, 2010

Hey WA Friends,


I'm pumped to say the least, in the last 2 weeks I totally lost focus on everything, and I was at the point where ,I just wanted to throw in the towel.

But, now I'm truly inspired, and back on track again.

A Big Thanks, to my friends and this great community we share @ WA  who took the time to share their wisdom, and give me some sound advice.

Life is about giving of yourself, unselfishly to others giving them, the wisdom to move forward, and make this a better world for everyone.

I can't thank you enough, for the wisdom you shared with me today.

I appreciate all of you, and value your friendship.

i just wanted you all to know that you *ROCKED MY WORLD TODAY*

Thanks Brian





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jatdebeaune Premium
I value you too Brian. Great that you're back on track.
momof10 Premium
Hi Brian, I know exactly where you are coming from wanting to throw in the towel and all, but I'm glad you didn't. Sometimes things are a little overwhelming and it makes your head swim so that you think what's it all about, but then you settle back down and see the people who can help you and really want to see you succeed. You'll be okay now. Glad you didn't give up. You'll be glad too later!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Brian, nice to have you in the WA family!