Posts by Horselover 6
I just checked my Amazon stats and discovered I've made 4 more sales in the last two weeks!  Only crumbs in commissions, of course, but it proved to me that I CAN DO IT!  This is a site simply promoting books that earned zilch for the first 4 months, then 2 sales (of unpromoted products) in two weeks, and now 4 sales in the last two weeks, this time for books I am actually promoting - and I STILL haven't written any articles to drive more traffic, although I'm on the verge of doing so,
I LOVE writing - I love WORDS.  I even have a BA in English Literature, for pete's sake.  So why do I always get to the "now write an article" stage and freeze? I have had this problem from Day One, when I was being initiated into my Brave New World of affiliate marketing by PotPieGirl (thanks, PPG).  She taught me how to set up a Squidoo lens - great (I actually did two, I was feeling so clever) - how to put the content into them - fine - I did more or less everything s
My one-and-only website so far promotes a number of books (mostly in Amazon)  in a specialised niche.  As it is my first site, building, re-building and re-building it has been an arduous task due to the steep learning curve. Finally, three months after I first launched the site (in its original, primitive form), I have discovered someone has actually bought a book through my link, so I guess you can say I've made my first sale, even though my commission is less that $1 - yeah, I've re
You’ll be happy to know that my rant in my last post had the desired effect on me.  As soon as I posted it, I decided I would do some work on my website that I had been wanting to do for some time, but what I wanted to do was fairly time-consuming so I had been avoiding doing it.  But after writing the post, I had somehow inspired myself and I decided to just start it and not stop until the job was finished.  So I spent the next few hours on it (yes, I’m not fast), I didn’t
June 28, 2010
No, nothing drastic, just suffering from a huge wave of "overwhelm" / "analysis paralysis" / "so much to do I don't know where to start" - I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  So many thought/ideas buzzing around in my head after going through so many tutorials, researching niches, keywords, digging deeper and deeper, looking through endless website themes etc.  And I'm even more disgusted with myself because I'm not doing anything about it - so many
I've been teaching myself affiliate marketing for about nine months and boy, has it been a steep learning curve with little results!  My best (and only) achievement to date is that I have learned to set up my own website (yes, I even conquered the FTP bit). So far my site always ranks 11-13 on Google but I still need to get onto the first page and I'm yet to make a sale!  Hopefully, this will change now that I have finally joined WA, which I thought about joining for a long time but th
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