Tearing my hair out!

Last Update: June 28, 2010

No, nothing drastic, just suffering from a huge wave of "overwhelm" / "analysis paralysis" / "so much to do I don't know where to start" - I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  So many thought/ideas buzzing around in my head after going through so many tutorials, researching niches, keywords, digging deeper and deeper, looking through endless website themes etc.  And I'm even more disgusted with myself because I'm not doing anything about it - so many decisions!  I'm stuck in a bog of inertia.  Logic tells me to just start anywhere, but then the brain says "but what about all that other stuff you should be doing - it's important too".  

I guess I'll get through it.  It's nice to be able to vent and know that the frustration is understood (and probably normal)!

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kpcwriting Premium
I totally understand how you feel and it can be immobilizing having so much to do and wondering if you're doing the right thing. The thing that really helps me focus is using the Pomodoro technique - where I focus on one task for 25 minutes and then move on to the next one. You should really check it out. In addition, I've found that focusing on one thing at a time makes the most sense. For me, it is article marketing right now. : )
moonvine Premium
Yep! That's way too familiar. The only way I can cope with the overwhelm is a list of 5 things to do each day. Otherwise, I would spend the entire day rushing about and accomplishing nothing. There is so much to learn and so much to do. I think we all live with that overwhelm - the trick is to find ways to cope with it. This is an exciting business for sure!
jatdebeaune Premium
There really is so much to learn. How can you feel otherwise. Just get it down to a few basic steps that will get you some results. You can always add the fancy stuff later. Remember, there are people who don't have the advantages that we have here at WA, and they are making money online. Keep it simple.
iFaith Premium
I sometimes want to tear my hair out at least once or twice a month. Sometimes more. And I do a mock scream fest, silently of course, and tell myself that I can do this and I love it. Learning to love it just makes the bumps along the way part of the journey that gets forgotten fast! Good luck and take care!
glen122395 Premium
It is perfectly normal. I've been through the same thing myself, but I'm finally getting a little better. Just keep in there and the pieces will start falling into place and making sense. This started for me when I finally started writing something. Good luck.