My first (itty bitty) sale!

Last Update: July 04, 2010

My one-and-only website so far promotes a number of books (mostly in Amazon)  in a specialised niche.  As it is my first site, building, re-building and re-building it has been an arduous task due to the steep learning curve.

Finally, three months after I first launched the site (in its original, primitive form), I have discovered someone has actually bought a book through my link, so I guess you can say I've made my first sale, even though my commission is less that $1 - yeah, I've really picked a lucrative market - not!  Ironically, they didn't buy one of the books I was promoting, but something totally different!  But that is not the point, really  - the point (I believe) is that I have made my first sale!  And (I also believe) that calls for a celebration!  Yay for me.

Now I have to build more sites, but either in more lucrative niches, or with better products.  I know I still have a long way to go and (obviously) a lot to learn, but one step is better than none.

For now, I'm happy.  Not contented (heaven forbid!), but happy.  Sorta.

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RonN Premium
Hip Hip Hooray!! on that first one of many more to come.
Don't minimize the importance of tangible proof of your labors.
btw: There are no "itty bitty" first sales. Realistically not everyone gets a first sale.
maureenhannan Premium
Hooray! If you can do one, you can do lots and lots, right? Well worth celebrating!
GP13 Premium
Congratulations, a sale is a sale and that is just the start for you.
Study what you did and repeat it. It could have been the content of the site or the information on the product but you did it. Have you tried blogging in some equine sites or article writing. If not try them for some exposure. There free.
tport144 Premium
Louise M. Premium
Congratulations!! :)