Instant HTML

Last Update: January 08, 2010

For those of you who dabble with HTML or are truly interested in learning the ways of the Webmaster I found a tool I only wish had existed when I was new at it: a real-time online editor. Check this out:

Now paste this HTML/CSS into the top half of the page:

<p style="display: block; font-size: 128px; font-face: Georgia; position: relative; top: 25%; text-align: center">HELLO WA!<br />;)</p>

This can save you quite a bit of time!

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R-L-Atch Premium
To Cool! Thanks for sharing!
idm Premium
Thanks. I'm glad you didn't just run away at the first sight of it. I'd never paste HTML to intentionally frighten anyone. =)
Zodiac108 Premium
Ha ha ha. Saw "HTML" and freaked out! Huh?! Then I realised you were suggesting we GO to the website, and PASTE the HTML code we could SEE what it looked like.

Nice share. Gold.
Skybound Premium
Neat. Even better than the Try it editor at
idm Premium
You can put your HTML code into the top pane and on the bottom pane it will show you in real-time what that code would look like to the visitor. It could be used to test out unfamiliar HTML code or make tweaks to it.