Posts by Idm 22
October 15, 2009
When I'm working on something and I'm really into it I can forget to take breaks. Before an hour is up I'm usually losing my focus and the time would be better spent taking my mind off of it all.I think it's more productive to just drop it occasionally and come back at it from another angle and let my subconscious mind chew on what I just took in. So while you're adhering to the action plan's 50/50 rule don't forget to squeeze a few percentages in there for breaks and relaxation. Some rules can
September 30, 2009
  I deliberated on joining WA for a few months. I first heard of it from Ryan Moran's site and on 5 Star Affiliate Programs while browsing their forums. I started doing more research on affiliate marketing and WA kept popping up. That or I was unconsciously looking for it. It had become a symbol for internet marketing in my mind.   Let me back up though. I actually bought Ewen Chia's book "How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Gui
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